Friday, June 13, 2008

First stop...Hong Kong. Camila lives on the island of Stanley, which is about 10 minutes away from central Hong Kong. Right outside the door of her apartment complex begins Stanley Market-a New York style "China Town"(no pun intended) braided throughout the streets. It offers everything from clothing and jewelery to books, toys and magically heating gel packs (thats another story). Down the street there is a McDonalds, a Starbucks, a Gelato shop, a bakery, and what we have affectionatly come to know as "Tasty" (actually spelled Taste). We raided the bakery no less than 3 times on the first day. This modern grocery store offers intriguing combinations to every basic bread. For a dollar you can get a tuna and cheese roll, 
a corn, ham, and tomato bun, a sweet roll-thats a small loaf infused will a jelly-like coconut center, cheesy puff balls, and the list goes on. We even saw 3 types of the elusive special K (China is holding out on you, Nicole). Special K aside, even the produce is so abundant. There are fruits that I have never even heard of- I have yet to try the lychee but the dragonfruit seemed the most interesting (yeah....see the next post).
Stanley Market 
(taken from apartment roof)


Nicole said...

thank you guys so much for giving me a shoutout all the way from guys rock. special k all the way baby. i am also happy to have been informed by you two that special k is extremely popular over in is too good not to like!

Beverly M. Wilson said...

Thanks for sharing your adventures. I am with you in spirit. Wan Ding is in Xian,ancient capitol and location of Emperor Chin's tomb and the terracotta soldiers. Call him. Kylie, I gave you phone #s in your email. Maybe he or his son Wan Fong can show you around.Xian is a definite must in a trip to China.
Love, Beverly Wilson